We instinctively look to government for solutions when things go wrong in a large scale. This is because the marker of a good government is the quality of life of its citizen. A good government brags on taking care of its people well, making sure they are well nourished and secure from any threats. King Solomon's kingdom comes to mind. It is said that during his reign, 'the king made silver and gold as common as stones' and we all know how stable gold is as a currency.For gold to be that common, he must have been doing a good job. Moreover, it is said that he fought no wars for forty years! His citizens lived in peace. I imagine no king would want to take on a kingdom with that level of economic strength and then he always stayed ahead of any possible crisis. He was an excellent king. But what if I told you that one greater than Solomon has come and set up His kingdom already?
Going by this Solomon is the arguably the greatest king of all time, But what if I told you that one greater than Solomon is here?
This is crazy because one would think that if this were true then it would really change the game and in essence it has but very few see it for what it really is. You would expect that this would be all the talk in town but regrettably the outlets that were entrusted to pass this information tend to lace it with a lot of religious jargon and so it gets convoluted. The main message gets lost in translation. But now you have it!This is the good news, the best news of the century, millennium even. What are you going to do about it?
What if I told you that what we are experiencing now was inevitable? That the current state of panic and ambiguity is but a consequence of nature. A house that is built on a foundation of sand will cave when the storm strikes. But that is why there is the option of building on the rock, Jesus the son of God, the rock on which the Father is building his government.
" 6 For unto us a child is born,unto us a son is given,and the government will be upon His shoulders.And He will be called Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God,Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from that time and forevermore."
Isaiah 9:6-9
The son of David has already come and set up his kingdom, God's kingdom. He has already prepared a place for us and now we can be where He is, just as He is, seated on the right hand of the father. We reign with Him. This is why it is weird to be in fear or to worry. That is inconsistent with our new station. We have no reason to fear because God, the creator of all is on our side and this time it is a permanent arrangement because the covenant of blessing is an everlasting covenant. An unbreakable covenant that has been sealed by the blood of his dear son, which speaks forgiveness. (Heb 12:24)
Are you having trouble seating yet? Well, there is a good reason to. This is a game-changer. If it doesn't make you shout, at the very least it should make you lift your head up high or to adjust your stance. You are a citizen of his kingdom.
"For he has rescued us from the kingdom of darkness and transferred us into the Kingdom of his dear Son," Col 1:13.
You can stand secure because your feet are planted on secure ground. You belong to a stable kingdom an everlasting kingdom and your citizenship cannot be revoked be external parties. It is yours for keeps!