From puberty, the human person starts to seek to understand themselves as an individual in the context of society. We all seek our person-hood with the understanding that when we find ourselves, it will be clear what path we are to take to find self-fulfillment/actualization.
This is why teenagers will join gangs, sororities or fraternities and adults join social clubs.
Unfortunately for most of us, this remains an elusive search because we keep chasing illusions. We search in the wrong places.
But it turns out, this search needs not to be as expensive and dragged out as it often is because we all proceed from the father. Because of Adam's actions we are disconnected from source and therefore spent every moment seeking that re connection but only find after a lot of damage has been done to our image. Because of this it becomes necessary to be rehabilitated and for our image to be restored. This happens when we behold Jesus, who is the word of truth, a mirror for us. The more we perceive him correctly the better we see our image as the father sees us. Let me illustrate.
When Peter receives a revelation about the identity of Jesus this is what transpires;
Simon Peter answered,“You are the Christ,the Son of the living God.”Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’),and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.And I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you forbid[h]on earth will be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you permit on earth will be permitted in heaven.” Matt 16:16-19
We see here that Peter receives clarity on the identity of Jesus and that triggers more clarity for Peter in terms of his identity in God. He probably looked at himself as a fisherman who had the privilege to witness Jesus do these mind-boggling miracles and that may have been good enough for him yet here he was being introduced to whom he really was in the eyes of God and it was so bright, he did not have a come-back as he often did in other occasions.
The truth is none of us is on earth as an accident of nature. We are carefully chosen and fit into the grand plan of the father. This we can only fulfill by being attached to the father and having our minds renewed to our true identity and nature. This is facilitated by a revelation of the son because he is the light of the world. Whenever light is introduced, we see more clearly.
To be continued..
#thelightoftheworld #iamthelightoftheworld #light #jesus #yourarethechrist #fleshandblood #jesuschrist #jesusloves #identitycrisis #jesusouridentity